Motivational Success Story Of Lionel Messi - How The Boy Rejected By Football Clubs Became a Legend

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   Leonel Messi was born in Argentina and    comes from a poor family his father was    a factory still worker and his mother    was a part-time cleaner but nevertheless    he grew up surrounded with love and    support Messi developed a great passion    for football very early in his life so    at the age of five he started playing    football for a local club coached by his    father and when he was eight he joined    Newell old boys club Messi grew up very    close with his grandmother so when she    passed away he was in a lot of pain he    was so sad that he didn't want to play    football for weeks but after his father    started pushing him to continue to play    he returned on the field but he was    determined more than ever to make his    grandmother proud of him he dreamed of    becoming a professional football player    but that dream started to fall apart    when he was diagnosed with growth    hormone deficiency this meant that he    was physically unable to grow unless he    received special expensive therapy that    cost nine hundred dollars per month and    unfortunately his parents couldn't    afford it and the club that he was    playing for refused to pay for the    therapy but even though Messi was the    shortest player in his team his love for    football was limitless so Messi wasn't    discouraged this obstacle didn't stop    him Messi's talent was so undeniable    that Football Club started noticing him    River Plate showed big interest in Messi    but like the money to sponsor his    medical treatment so at the end they    rejected him because of his medical    condition but soon Messi was noticed by    the coach of football club Barcelona he    sent an offer to miss his family he    proposed the trial period so he could    see for himself if Messi is worth the    hype if he passed the trial the club    would cover his medical bills but on one    condition    Messi needs to leave his hometown and    move to Spain when his teammates saw him    for the first time they were very    surprised and looked at    him in disbelief of how short he was but    when he went in the field they were    shocked of how good and talented he was    and the coach was blown away by Massey's    abilities and talent he knew that he was    born to play football so he offered him    a contract that would change his life    forever on the only thing he had in the    moment a paper napkin so Massey's first    Barcelona contract was actually written    on a napkin and the rest is history    till today he has spent his entire    professional career with Barcelona Messi    is a goal machine and he's often    considered the best player in the world    a 22 Messi won the prestigious FIFA    World Player of the Year award    he has record-tying 5 Ballon d'Or Awards    and a record six European golden shoes    and the Barcelona superstar has been    named the highest-paid athlete in the    world today his net worth is 400 million    dollars there are so many lessons to be    learned from his success story a man who    despite his health problems despite his    poor financial background despite all    the rejections he faced he was still    determined to achieve his dream and    never give up so what is the secret to    his success the secret behind his    enormous success is that there is no    secret you need to work on yourself    every single day Messi's remarkable    success did not come by accident or from    pure luck he worked extremely hard and    had to give up many things to become who    he is today you have to fight to reach    your dream you have to sacrifice and    work hard for it I start early and I    stay late day after day year after year    it took me 17 years and 114 days to    become an overnight success give    everything you've got and start working    on your dreams today      so what's your story    you  

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